Vardzia is a unique cave monastery complex from the 12th to 13th centuries, built during the Golden Age of Georgia under the direction of Queen Tamar. Originally, it was a fortified mountain monastery centered around the main church. A severe earthquake in 1283 buried over two-thirds of the city under rubble, leaving the remaining rooms "exposed". Today, visitors can see about a hundred rooms: churches, chapels, living quarters, storage rooms, baths, dining halls, treasury rooms, and wine cellars, which extend 50 meters deep into the rock and rise to a height of eight stories; visitors can also walk along surviving secret passages that connected the rooms. The surviving frescoes from the 12th century are of particular value, including depictions of King George III and Queen Tamar. The Rabati Fortress in Akhaltsikhe The word "rabat" of Arabic origin means any fortified place. The Akhaltsikhe Fortress from the 11th to 17th centuries is located in southern Georgia in the city of Akhaltsikhe. The Rabati Fortress is Georgia's largest medieval monument, a former Arab fortress that bears witness to the country's difficult history. The fortress is divided into two parts: the upper (historic) and the lower (modern) fortress. The upper fortress houses the historical museum, a madrasa, the tomb of a Pasha, and an Orthodox church. Most tourist facilities are located in the lower fortress. The Rabati Fortress was repeatedly destroyed, often under siege, and eventually absorbed traces of various cultures. The Rabati Fortress is visible from almost any point in the cozy Georgian town of Akhaltsikhe. It is one of the most vibrant and visited places on the tourist map of Georgia, attracting travelers with its historical significance and modernity. The Rabati Fortress is ambiguous and does not fit into commonly accepted notions of castles and fortresses. Perhaps that's why its novelty and uniqueness attract people to visit it.